SFL - South Facing Ltd
SFL stands for South Facing Ltd
Here you will find, what does SFL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate South Facing Ltd? South Facing Ltd can be abbreviated as SFL What does SFL stand for? SFL stands for South Facing Ltd. What does South Facing Ltd mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Ayot Saint Lawrence, Hertford engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of SFL
- South Florida
- Scottish Football League
- Suburban Friendship League
- Ski for Light
- Space Flight Laboratory
- S/MIME Freeware Library
- Skarred For Life
- Sao Filipe, Cape Verde Islands
View 196 other definitions of SFL on the main acronym page
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- SMN Star Media Network
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- SRMBA Sacred Rides Mountain Bike Adventures
- SNTI Spectrum Neuroscience and Treatment Institute
- SIG Swafford Insurance Group
- SMLC Sheldon Meadows Living Center
- SCHF Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation
- SBT South Bay Toyota
- SOL Shah Outsourcing Ltd
- SPT Star Plaza Theatre
- SCCL Steel Casting Co. Ltd
- SFO Secular Franciscan Order
- SD The Spa Depot
- SWEE Skynet Worldwide Express Egypt
- SIRST SIR Speedy Tacoma
- SIPL Sales India Pvt. Ltd.